Handshake image small blog 150 xStop and think to yourself about the most successful times in your life. Who were the people around you? What or who supported and influenced you? For some of us it may have slipped our memory or we may just not think about these things often; although these connections are what make us whole.

When making a change or pursuing our dreams sometimes it’s easy to assume that we need to make new supports without tapping into our current network first. The key to continually staying connected to your positive network is by valuing them, and engaging them. As quoted by  in the Washington Post

“It’s important to understand what networking is … and what it is not. It is about sharing information and contacts, getting the help you need, getting more done with less effort, building relationships, and helping yourself and other people to be more effective. It is not about selling anything (including yourself), getting a job, soliciting donations, securing funding for your project, or forming superficial relationships where people use each other.”

Being accountable for your own success means utilizing the strength and knowledge around you to grow and reach your own potential.

Expanding your circle of support is inevitable, although when doing this we want to consider how we can build on and compliment our current network. Keeping your options open will allow you to choose the supports which are right for you. By respecting and nurturing these relationships you will give yourself the confidence needed to strive for the success you deserve.

The CEFN encourages local employers and business leaders to engage with us during Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM).  Check out our site for more information about events happening throughout October.

Erin, CC