Success Story: Donald Matthieu

Success Story: Donald Matthieu

At CAES, we know that employment support is not just about finding a job, but being supported to maintain it as well. That is what we are here for, to help our clients become more independent and successful in their employment endeavours.  Additionally, Career...
Calgary Events: Family Fun Day at the Park

Calgary Events: Family Fun Day at the Park

Family Fun Day at the Park is hosted by Calgary Rotary Challenger Park on Saturday June 24th.  You will not want to be out of town because there is just so much to see and do at Calgary Rotary Challenger Park. With acres of park to explore and exciting activities...
Book Review: NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman

Book Review: NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman

The history of autism is little known and so colourful it could easily be mistaken for a work of fiction. Two physicians working independently on opposite sides of the Atlantic seemed to have arrived at the same discovery almost concurrently. Hans Asperger and Leo...
AXS Map and Barrier Free Businesses

AXS Map and Barrier Free Businesses

As someone who drives a lot for work I listen to a lot of radio, particularly, the CBC. I have a very rudimentary understanding of technology but generally enjoy listening to Spark with Nora Young. A few weeks back I was in the car at just the right moment and was...